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Multicraft(Minecraft的网页控制面板)在CentOS 6

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发表于 2014/12/4 22:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 | Google Chrome 38.0.2125.111| Windows 7
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Multicraft Panel
Multicraft is a simple, easy to use web-based control panel for Minecraft servers. You can create, stop, start, monitor, configure, upload, download and run your server effectively through the online control panel. It contains features such as:

Player Monitoring
File Configuration
Easy .jar changing
Built-in FTP client
Web Console
Follow the steps below to install Multicraft on CentOS 6.

1. Install MySQL
yum install mysql mysql-server
Set MySQL to start on bootup, and then start MySQL:

chkconfig --levels 235 mysqld on
/etc/init.d/mysqld start
Run the secure install, entering your password when prompted, and pressing enter elsewhere.

2. Install Apache and PHP
yum install httpd php
Set Apache to start on bootup, then start Apache:

chkconfig --levels 235 httpd on
/etc/init.d/httpd start
Install PHP extensions:

yum install php-mysql php-gd
Restart Apache:

/etc/init.d/httpd restart
3. Install phpMyAdmin
To manage the MySQL databases, phpMyAdmin must be installed, but to do this you will need to turn on the EPEL repo and install phpMyAdmin.

cd /tmp
wget http://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6/i386/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm
rpm -ivh epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm
yum install phpmyadmin
To use phpMyAdmin you will need to configure its access. Start by opening the configuration file:

nano /etc/httpd/conf.d/phpMyAdmin.conf
Use the down arrow key to find this section:

IfModule !mod_authz_core.c>
# Apache 2.2
  Order Deny,Allow
  Deny from All
  Allow from
  Allow from ::1
And change Deny To Allow.

To exit and save the file press Ctrl + X, then press Y, then hit ENTER. Next, restart your web server:

/etc/init.d/httpd restart
You can now login to phpMyAdmin through either yourdomain.com/phpMyAdmin or yourserverIP/phpMyAdmin. Please note that phpMyAdmin is case sensitive.

The default login account is "root" and your root password.

After successfully logging into phpMyAdmin, create two databases:

To protect the Multicraft panel contents you will need to open the Apache configuration using:

nano /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
And scroll down until you find the section that looks like:

# AllowOverride controls what directives may be placed in .htaccess files.
# It can be "All", "None", or any combination of the keywords:
#   Options FileInfo AuthConfig Limit
    AllowOverride None
Change None To All. Save the file, then exit (Ctrl + X, then Y, then ENTER).

Restart Apache:

/etc/init.d/httpd restart
Next, we have a few more prerequisites. Install Java, zip, and unzip by running:

yum install java-1.7.0-openjdk zip unzip
4. Install Multicraft
Now to install the Multicraft Panel.

Start by downloading Multicraft 64bit (change 64 to 32 if you run a 32bit Linux operating system).

wget http://www.multicraft.org/download?arch=linux64 -O multicraft.tar.gz
Then extract it and change to the directory. Once in the directory, run the installer:

tar xvzf multicraft.tar.gz
cd multicraft
You will see the following output. Follow the instructions highlighted in bold text.

*** Welcome to Multicraft!
`This installer will help you get Multicraft up and running.
No changes are made to the system until all of the required information has been collected.
`NOTE: This script automates the installation as described on the Multicraft website. Use it at your own risk.`
Run each Minecraft server under its own user? (Multicraft will create system users): [y]/n Press ENTER
Run Multicraft under this user: [minecraft] Press ENTER
User not found. Create user 'minecraft' on start of installation? [y]/n Press ENTER
Install Multicraft in: [/home/minecraft/multicraft] Press ENTER
If you have a license key you can enter it now: [no] Enter your license key if you have one and continue, or press ENTER
If you control multiple machines from one control panel you need to assign each daemon a unique ID (requires a Dynamic or custom license). Daemon ID? [1] Press ENTER
`Will the PHP frontend run on this machine? [y]/n` **Press ENTER** `User of the webserver: [apache]` **Press ENTER** `Location of the PHP frontend: [/var/www/html/multicraft]` **Press ENTER**
Enable builtin FTP server? [y]/n Press ENTER
IP the FTP server will listen on (empty for same as daemon): []
FTP server port: [21] Press ENTER
Block FTP upload of .jar files and other executables (potentially dangerous plugins)? [y]/n n Press n, then ENTER
`What kind of database do you want to use? [sqlite]/mysql mysql` **Type mysql, then press ENTER**
NOTE: This is for the daemon config, the front end has an installation routine for database configuration and initialization.
Database host: []
Database name: [multicraft_daemon]
Database user: [root]
Database password: [] YourPassword Enter your MySQL password, and press ENTER
`***` `*** Please use the control panel to initialize the database.` `***`
NOTE: Any running daemon will be stopped!
Ready to install Multicraft. Start installation? [y]/n Press ENTER
`***` `*** INSTALLING`
(Trimmed verbose output here)
*** Installation complete!
Before starting the daemon you need to run the control panel installer to initialize your database. (example: http://your.address/multicraft/install.php)
`The daemon WILL NOT work correctly as long as the database hasn't been initialized.`
`After running the control panel installer start the daemon using the following command:`
/home/minecraft/multicraft/bin/multicraft -v start
`If there are any issues, please check the log file: '/home/minecraft/multicraft/multicraft.log'`
After reading the instructions above, press [Enter] to continue. Press ENTER
In case you want to rerun this script you can save the entered settings.
Save entered settings? ([y]/n) Press ENTER
Saving settings to 'setup.config'.

Panel Configuration
If you encountered no errors, you can go to yourdomain.com/multicraft or yourserverIP/multicraft.

You will now be at the Multicraft panel installer.

Start by pressing START INSTALLATION and then reviewing the requirements. If your server meets all the requirements, press CONTINUE, then CONTINUE once again.

When you arrive at the Database 1: PANEL page, you will want to select MySQL from the database type drop-down, then fill in the required data, including your password. Press SAVE AND TEST to initialize the database.

Once the database is initialized, you can continue to the next step of logging into the panel. The username is admin and the password is admin.

Once logged in, press CONTINUE, and head to the next database section Database 2: DAEMON. Again, select MySQL, fill in the required data, then press CONTINUE.

You are now directed to the last page, Settings. The only configuration needed here is to set "Administrator contact Email" to your email address. Then press SAVE.

Finally, start the Multicraft control daemon by returning to the command line and running:

/home/minecraft/multicraft/bin/multicraft -v start
You can now login to the panel and control your Minecraft servers.

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