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使命召唤 cod 端口转发和 NAT 常见问题

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发表于 2021/11/5 22:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 |Google Chrome 95.0.4638.69|Windows 10
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端口转发和 NAT 常见问题
端口转发和 NAT 设置概述

如果您遇到连接问题,建议您转发或打开端口、设置端口转发或更改 NAT 类型。本指南介绍了端口转发第一方端口的基础知识和有关 NAT 类型的信息,并提供故障排除以帮助改善您的连接。

端口只是虚拟管道,允许计算机和设备在 Internet 上来回通信和发送信息。查看更多关于《使命召唤》游戏使用的端口

端口转发- 或创建端口转发 - 是游戏中的一个常见过程,它使您的游戏机或 PC 更容易被互联网上的其他游戏机或 PC 访问。端口转发可以提高连接速度、大厅等待时间和整体游戏玩法,尤其是对于主机。

NAT(网络地址转换)是一种网络概念,它允许您的路由器在网络上的多个设备之间共享一个 IP(互联网协议)地址。与您的 ISP(互联网服务提供商)为连接到互联网的每个设备分配一个 IP 地址不同,NAT 允许您的 ISP 为您的路由器分配一个 IP 地址。然后,路由器为您家庭网络上的所有设备管理一组 IP 地址。

根据您的平台,有三种主要的 NAT 类型:Microsoft 或 PC 上的开放、中等和严格,以及索尼上的类型 1、类型 2 和类型 3。中等/类型 2 和严格/类型 3 NAT 类型限制您的游戏机或 PC 可以与其他游戏机或 PC 建立的连接。例如,Moderate/Type 2 NATs 只能连接使用 Moderate/Type 2 或 Open/Type 1 NAT 的游戏机或 PC,而 Strict/Type 3 NATs 只能连接使用 Open/Type 1 NAT 的游戏机或 PC。最终,开放/类型 1 NAT 将提供最佳连接质量。

If you are experiencing connectivity issues, it may have been suggested that you forward or open ports, set port forwarding, or change your NAT type. This guide explains the basics of port forwarding first party ports and information on NAT types and provides troubleshooting to help improve your connection.

What are ports, and what is port forwarding?
Ports are simply virtual pipelines that allow computers and devices to communicate and send information back and forth on the Internet. See more about ports used for Call of Duty games.

Port forwarding – or creating a port forward – is a common process in gaming that makes your gaming console or PC more accessible to other gaming consoles or PCs on the Internet. Port forwarding can improve connection speed, lobby wait times, and overall gameplay, particularly for a host.

What about NAT?
NAT (Network Address Translation) is a networking concept that allows your router to share a single IP (Internet Protocol) address across multiple devices on your network. Instead of your ISP (Internet Service Provider) assigning an IP address to every device that connects to the Internet, NAT allows your ISP to assign a single IP address to your router. The router then manages a set of IP addresses for all devices on your home network.

There are three main NAT types depending on your platform: Open, Moderate, and Strict on Microsoft or PC, and Type 1, Type 2, and Type 3 on Sony. Moderate/Type 2 and Strict/Type 3 NAT types limit the connections your gaming console or PC can make to other gaming consoles or PCs. For example, Moderate/Type 2 NATs can only connect with gaming consoles or PCs using Moderate/Type 2 or Open/Type 1 NAT, and Strict/Type 3 NATs can only connect with gaming consoles or PCs using Open/Type 1 NAT. Ultimately, an Open/Type 1 NAT will provide the best connection quality.



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发表于 2021/11/17 18:28 | 显示全部楼层 |Google Chrome 95.0.4638.69|Windows 10
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发表于 2021/12/14 01:49 | 显示全部楼层 |Google Chrome 96.0.4664.93|Windows 10
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