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发表于 2018/2/13 00:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 |Google Chrome 64.0.3282.140|Windows 10
天涯海角搜一下: 百度 谷歌 360 搜狗 有道 雅虎 必应 即刻
alt-speed-enabled: Boolean (default = false, aka 'Turtle Mode')
Note: Clicking the "Turtle" in the gui when the scheduler is enabled, will only temporarily remove the scheduled limit until the next cycle.
alt-speed-up: Number (KB/s, default = 50)
alt-speed-down: Number (KB/s, default = 50)
speed-limit-down: Number (KB/s, default = 100)
speed-limit-down-enabled: Boolean (default = false)
speed-limit-up: Number (KB/s, default = 100)
speed-limit-up-enabled: Boolean (default = false)
upload-slots-per-torrent: Number (default = 14)
blocklist-url: String (default = http://www.example.com/blocklist)
blocklist-enabled: Boolean (default = false)
Files and Locations
download-dir: String (default = default locations)
incomplete-dir: String (default = default locations) Directory to keep files in until torrent is complete.
incomplete-dir-enabled: Boolean (default = false) When enabled, new torrents will download the files to incomplete-dir. When complete, the files will be moved to download-dir.
preallocation: Number (0 = Off, 1 = Fast, 2 = Full (slower but reduces disk fragmentation), default = 1)
rename-partial-files: Boolean (default = true) Postfix partially downloaded files with ".part".
start-added-torrents: Boolean (default = true) Start torrents as soon as they are added.
trash-original-torrent-files: Boolean (default = false) Delete torrents added from the watch directory.
umask: Number (default = 18) Sets transmission's file mode creation mask. See the umask(2) manpage for more information. Users who want their saved torrents to be world-writable may want to set this value to 0. Bear in mind that the json markup language only accepts numbers in base 10, so the standard umask(2) octal notation "022" is written in settings.json as 18.
watch-dir: String
watch-dir-enabled: Boolean (default = false) Watch a directory for torrent files and add them to transmission.
Note: When watch-dir-enabled is true, only the transmission-daemon, transmission-gtk, and transmission-qt applications will monitor watch-dir for new .torrent files and automatically load them.
cache-size-mb: Size (default = 4), in megabytes, to allocate for Transmission's memory cache. The cache is used to help batch disk IO together, so increasing the cache size can be used to reduce the number of disk reads and writes. Default is 2 if configured with --enable-lightweight.
dht-enabled: Boolean (default = true) Enable Distributed Hash Table (DHT).
encryption: Number (0 = Prefer unencrypted connections, 1 = Prefer encrypted connections, 2 = Require encrypted connections; default = 1) Encryption preference. Encryption may help get around some ISP filtering, but at the cost of slightly higher CPU use.
lazy-bitfield-enabled: Boolean (default = true) May help get around some ISP filtering. Vuze specification.
lpd-enabled: Boolean (default = false) Enable Local Peer Discovery (LPD).
message-level: Number (0 = None, 1 = Error, 2 = Info, 3 = Debug, default = 2) Set verbosity of transmission messages.
pex-enabled: Boolean (default = true) Enable [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peer_exchange Peer Exchange (PEX)].
prefetch-enabled: Boolean (default = true). When enabled, Transmission will hint to the OS which piece data it's about to read from disk in order to satisfy requests from peers. On Linux, this is done by passing POSIX_FADV_WILLNEED to posix_fadvise(). On OS X, this is done by passing F_RDADVISE to fcntl(). This defaults to false if configured with --enable-lightweight.
scrape-paused-torrents-enabled: Boolean (default = true)
script-torrent-done-enabled: Boolean (default = false) Run a script at torrent completion.
script-torrent-done-filename: String (default = "") Path to script.
utp-enabled: Boolean (default = true) Enable Micro Transport Protocol (μTP)
bind-address-ipv4: String (default = "") Where to listen for peer connections.
bind-address-ipv6: String (default = "::") Where to listen for peer connections.
peer-congestion-algorithm: String. This is documented on http://www.pps.jussieu.fr/~jch/software/bittorrent/tcp-congestion-control.html.
peer-id-ttl-hours: Number (default = 6) Recycle the peer id used for public torrents after N hours of use.
peer-limit-global: Number (default = 240)
peer-limit-per-torrent: Number (default = 60)
peer-socket-tos: String (default = "default") Set the Type-Of-Service (TOS) parameter for outgoing TCP packets. Possible values are "default", "lowcost", "throughput", "lowdelay" and "reliability". The value "lowcost" is recommended if you're using a smart router, and shouldn't harm in any case.
Peer Port
peer-port: Number (default = 51413)
peer-port-random-high: Number (default = 65535)
peer-port-random-low: Number (default = 1024)
peer-port-random-on-start: Boolean (default = false)
port-forwarding-enabled: Boolean (default = true) Enable UPnP or NAT-PMP.
download-queue-enabled: Boolean (default = true) When true, Transmission will only download download-queue-size non-stalled torrents at once.
download-queue-size: Number (default = 5) See download-queue-enabled.
queue-stalled-enabled: Boolean (default = true) When true, torrents that have not shared data for queue-stalled-minutes are treated as 'stalled' and are not counted against the queue-download-size and seed-queue-size limits.
queue-stalled-minutes: Number (default = 30) See queue-stalled-enabled.
seed-queue-enabled: Boolean (default = false) When true. Transmission will only seed seed-queue-size non-stalled torrents at once.
seed-queue-size: Number (default = 10) See seed-queue-enabled.
rpc-authentication-required: Boolean (default = false)
rpc-bind-address: String (default = "") Where to listen for RPC connections
rpc-enabled: Boolean (default = true)
rpc-host-whitelist: String (Comma-delimited list of domain names. Wildcards allowed using '*'. Example: "*.foo.org,example.com", Default: "", Always allowed: "localhost", "localhost.", all the IP addresses. Added in v2.93)
rpc-host-whitelist-enabled: Boolean (default = true. Added in v2.93)
rpc-password: String
rpc-port: Number (default = 9091)
rpc-url: String (default = /transmission/. Added in v2.2)
rpc-username: String
rpc-whitelist: String (Comma-delimited list of IP addresses. Wildcards allowed using '*'. Example: "127.0.0.*,192.168.*.*", Default: "")
rpc-whitelist-enabled: Boolean (default = true)
alt-speed-time-enabled: Boolean (default = false)
Note: When enabled, this will toggle the alt-speed-enabled setting.
alt-speed-time-begin: Number (default = 540, in minutes from midnight, 9am)
alt-speed-time-end: Number (default = 1020, in minutes from midnight, 5pm)
alt-speed-time-day: Number/bitfield (default = 127, all days)
Start with 0, then for each day you want the scheduler enabled, add:
Sunday: 1 (binary: 0000001)
Monday: 2 (binary: 0000010)
Tuesday: 4 (binary: 0000100)
Wednesday: 8 (binary: 0001000)
Thursday: 16 (binary: 0010000)
Friday: 32 (binary: 0100000)
Saturday: 64 (binary: 1000000)
Weekdays: 62 (binary: 0111110)
Weekends: 65 (binary: 1000001)
All Days: 127 (binary: 1111111)
idle-seeding-limit: Number (default = 30) Stop seeding after being idle for N minutes.
idle-seeding-limit-enabled: Boolean (default = false)
ratio-limit: Number (default = 2.0)
ratio-limit-enabled: Boolean (default = false)
Legacy Options
Only keys that differ from above are listed here. These options have been replaced in newer versions of Transmission.

2.31 (and older)
open-file-limit: Number (default = 32)
1.5x (and older)
download-limit: Number (KB/s, default = 100)
download-limit-enabled: Boolean (default = false)
upload-limit: Number (KB/s, default = 100)
upload-limit-enabled: Boolean (default = false)
Peer Port
peer-port-random-enabled: Boolean (default = false)
1.4x (and older)
proxy-authentication String
proxy-authentication-required: Boolean (default = 0)
proxy-port: Number (default = 80)
proxy-server: String
proxy-server-enabled: Boolean (default = 0)
proxy-type: Number (0 = HTTP, 1 = SOCKS4, 2 = SOCKS5, default = 0)
proxy-username: String
max-peers-global: Number (default = 240)
max-peers-per-torrent: Number (default = 60)
1.3x (and older)
rpc-access-control-list: String (Comma-delimited list of IP addresses prefixed with "+" or "-". Wildcards allowed using '*'. Example: "+127.0.0.*,-192.168.*.*", Default: "+")
Mac OS X
Mac OS X has a standardized way of saving user preferences files using XML format. These files are called plist (short for property list) files. Usually there is no need to modify these files directly, since Apple provided a command-line tool to reliably change settings. You do need to restart Transmission before these have effect.

In short:

To set a key: defaults write org.m0k.transmission <key> <value>
To reset a key: defaults delete org.m0k.transmission <key>
PeerSocketTOS: Number (Default = 0)
RPCHostWhitelist: String, see "rpc-host-whitelist" above.
RPCUseHostWhitelist: Boolean, see "rpc-host-whitelist-enabled" above.

"alt-speed-down": 50, 时段限速下载最大值,KB/s

"alt-speed-enabled": false, 是否启用时段限速,默认关闭(计算方法这么复杂,如果不是特殊需求的话,还是不启用的好)

"alt-speed-time-begin": 540, 时段限速开始时间,和时段限速结束时间,计算方法相同

"alt-speed-time-day": 127, 时段限速日期(星期几),127表示每天,是用7位二进制数表示,然后转换成十进制数填入。例如0000001表示周日,1000000表示周六,0000010表示周一,0000100表示周二。如果你只要在周六周日限速,该数应该为1000001,转换为十进制就是65;如果你只要在工作日(周一至周五)限速,该数应该为0111110,转换为十进制就是62

"alt-speed-time-enabled": false, 启用时段限速日期,默认不开启,如果开启,那么alt-speed-enabled一定要是false,两者之间只能启用一项,如果同时设置为true,则alt-speed-enabled有效

"alt-speed-time-end": 1020, 时段限速结束时间,从0点到开始时间的分钟数,例如8:00就是8*60=480。该时间用的是GMT,即北京时间-8小时,例如计划北京时间8:30分开始,这个数字就应该是(8-8+24)*60+30=1470

"alt-speed-up": 50, 计划时段限速值,KB/s

"bind-address-ipv4": "", IPv4地址绑定

"bind-address-ipv6": "::", IPv6地址绑定

"blocklist-enabled": false, 启用黑名单

"blocklist-url": "http://www.example.com/blocklist",

"cache-size-mb": 4, 缓存大小,单位MB,建议设置内存大小的1/6~1/4

"dht-enabled": true, 启用DHT网络(通过tracker寻找节点),默认启用

"download-dir": "/var/lib/transmission/Downloads", 下载完成的保存路径

"download-queue-enabled": true, 开启下载队列

"download-queue-size": 5, 下载队列数设置,默认5,表示同时最多只能下载5个任务,多余的需要等待

"encryption": 1, 等于0时不加密,1是优先加密,2是必须加密

"idle-seeding-limit": 30, 空闲30分钟后停止做种,默认30

"idle-seeding-limit-enabled": false, 是否启用空闲时间停止做种

"incomplete-dir": "/var/lib/transmission/Downloads", 未下载完成的保存路径

"incomplete-dir-enabled": false, 启用未下载完成的保存路径

"lpd-enabled": false, 关闭LDP(本地节点发现,用于在本地网络寻找节点)

"message-level": 2, 日志消息等级

"peer-congestion-algorithm": "",

"peer-id-ttl-hours": 6,

"peer-limit-global": 200, 全局种子最大连接数

"peer-limit-per-torrent": 50, 每个种子最多连接数

"peer-port": 51413, 传入端口号

"peer-port-random-high": 65535, 传入端口号随机值范围上限

"peer-port-random-low": 49152, 传入端口号随机值范围下限

"peer-port-random-on-start": false, 启用随机端口,默认是关闭的,如果改成true,则启动transmission时会在传入端口号范围上限和下限随机选

"peer-socket-tos": "default", 设置传输TCP数据包的服务类型https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Type_of_service

"pex-enabled": true, 节点交换,参考https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peer_exchange

"port-forwarding-enabled": true, 启用端口转发(uPnP),如果路由支持并且也开启了uPnP,则路由会自动做端口映射

"preallocation": 1, 预分配文件磁盘空间,0=关闭,1=快速,2=完全,默认取1,防止文件下载了一半后才发现磁盘空间不够,取2时耗时较多,但是可以减少磁盘碎片

"prefetch-enabled": true,

"queue-stalled-enabled": true,

"queue-stalled-minutes": 30,

"ratio-limit": 2, 上传下载比例达到多少停止做种

"ratio-limit-enabled": false, 启用上传下载比例

"rename-partial-files": true, 在未完成的文件名后添加后缀,默认true,incomplete-dir-enabled设置的路径带有.part后缀

"rpc-authentication-required": false, 远程控制验证,默认关闭

"rpc-bind-address": "", 远程控制地址绑定,默认表示任何地址都能访问

"rpc-enabled": true, 启用远程连接,默认启用

"rpc-password": "{cc29d57debb27f83469bbcd7fae81f64c789d3dfgw.f80LY", 默认密码这里是加密的,修改后会自动加密

"rpc-port": 9091, 网页GUI的端口号,可自行修改

"rpc-url": "/transmission/",

"rpc-username": "whsir", 远程电脑登录网页GUI的用户名称

"rpc-whitelist": "", 允许远程连接的IP地址白名单,支持通配符,多个IP以逗号分隔

"rpc-whitelist-enabled": false, 启用IP认证模式,如果启用,那么只能在白名单的地址才能连接

"scrape-paused-torrents-enabled": true,

"script-torrent-done-enabled": false, 在torrent完成时运行脚本,默认关闭

"script-torrent-done-filename": "", 脚本路径

"seed-queue-enabled": false,

"seed-queue-size": 10,

"speed-limit-down": 100, 下载速度限制,默认100KB/s

"speed-limit-down-enabled": false, 启用下载速度限制。默认关闭

"speed-limit-up": 100, 上传速度限制,默认100KB/s

"speed-limit-up-enabled": false, 启用上传速度限制。默认关闭

"start-added-torrents": true, 添加种子文件后,自动开始,如果为false,添加种子后不会自动开始

"trash-original-torrent-files": false, 是否删除监控目录添加的种子文件,也就是说在watch-dir监控的目录下添加种子文件后,任务开始后会自

"umask": 18, 文件权限的掩码,默认18即755权限,如果改成0是最高权限,下载回来的文件权限就是777

"upload-slots-per-torrent": 14, 每个种子上传连接数

"utp-enabled": true UTP传输是否启用

下面两个需要手动添加的选项,注意每行配置参数都是以逗号结尾,最后一行参数没有逗号(添加下面的参数一定要注意上面最后一行要以逗号结尾,例如"utp-enabled": true,)
"watch-dir": "/root/test", 自动监控种子目录,将种子文件下载或放在此文件夹下,会自动开始下载文件
"watch-dir-enabled": true 是否开启自动监控种子目录




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