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发表于 2013/3/12 05:15
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Core Protect 是继LogBlock后的又一款新兴记录查询插件,其特点为 便捷/稳定/高效/作者更新勤快
* Core Protect在v1.50的更新中新增了 容器物品出入查询功能 (图-04) 和 "WorldEdit"操作查询(图-05) /回档功能 (图-06) .
直接丢入plugins文件夹 内后 重启服务器 即可使用! 可按需修改配置文件!
使用方式 输入/co help <命令> 获得帮助
如 (图-01), (图-02)
更新记录 ➤
CoreProtect 2.02
Fixed errors being thrown if an arrow is shot by a non-entity. Fixed no error message displaying when invalid command entered. Added ability to use aliases for help commands (ex: "/co help l") Added "/co ro", "/co re", "/co rb" and "/co rs" as command shortcuts. Sped up rollbacks/restores, making them run nearly twice as fast. Sped up event processing, for even less time spent in the main server thread.
CoreProtect 2.01
Fixed errors on startup for systems using non-standard decimal formatting. Fixed "coreprotect.*" permission not giving access to reload command. Fixed bug with rolled back redstone torches (etc) not always putting out power. Fixed bug with rolled back glowstone blocks (etc) not always lighting up surrounding area. Fixed MySQL upgrades so invalid enchantment data is filtered out. Fixed it so the upgrade still continues properly if the config.yml file is missing. Fixed it so if the upgrade fails, database connections are closed so the server doesn't lock up. Fixed it so "apply", "cancel", "undo", and "near" aliases use parent permissions. Changed it so any child permission can be used as a negative permission against "coreprotect.*" Added "coreprotect.lookup.chat" permission, for blocking chat lookups. Added "coreprotect.lookup.command" permission, for blocking command lookups. Added "coreprotect.lookup.session" permission, for blocking session lookups.
CoreProtect 2.00
Changed it so MySQL databases use a more efficient database structure. Made it so flat file storage is now done via a single SQLite database. Future proof. Can now properly handle non-standard data types. Made it so all logging events now use a consumer, rather than generating new threads. Made it so block names now display on the lookup page. Made it so chests broken in explosions log the items that were in the chest. Cleaned up the interface and implemented a new colour theme. Made it so using the inspector now does a full block lookup. Made it so item transactions now log ALL item data (enchantments, item names, etc) Made it so all skull data, such as skull owners and skull rotation, is logged. Made it so radius lookups no longer require a time parameter (ex: "/co l r:10" for all nearby data). Made it so lookups can now do block-type only searches (ex: "/co l b:56 t:1d") Added a default radius of 10, which is auto added if you don't specify a radius. Changeable in config.yml Added a maximum radius of 100. Use "r:#global" to do a global search. Changeable in config.yml Made it so if you're inside a block that gets rolled back or restored, you get teleported on top of it. Added ability to specify number of results shown on lookup pages by using "/co l <page>:<results>". Added "/co reload" command for reloading configuration. Permissions can be set with "coreprotect.reload" node. Changed "noisy" to "#verbose". Also added a "#silent" option tag for rollback/restores if verbose mode is enabled. Added ability to specify multiple users in a rollback/restore/lookup (ex: "/co l u:Notch,Intelli t:1d") Added ability to exclude users (ex: "/co l r:5 e:Notch"). Can be used in combination with block ID's. Added ability to do global world lookups/rollbacks/restores. (Ex: "/co l u:Notch t:1d r:#nether") Made it so purges now use regular time syntax, but require a minimum time of 30 days unless run via console. Added ability to create per-world config files, that match the world folder name (ex: world_the_end.yml). Added "a:<action>" option for rollback/restores/lookups. See "/co help actions" for info. Added ability to search the last inspected container by using "/co l u:#container <params>". Added ability to rollback/restore the last inspected container (ex: "/co rollback u:#container,Notch t:1d"). Added ability to have items taken from containers (etc) rollback by enabling "rollback-items" in config.yml Made it so adding "#count" to the end of a lookup command returns the # of rows found. Added ability to preview rollbacks/restores by adding "#preview" to the end of your command. Added "/co undo" alias as a shortcut to undo a rollback/restore via the opposite action. Added "/co near" alias as a shortcut to do a lookup with a radius of 5. Added chat logging. Search using "/co l u:Notch a:chat" or "/co l a:chat" Added command logging. search using "/co l u:Notch a:command" or "/co l a:command" Added login/logout logging. Search using "/co l u:Notch a:login" (etc). Made it so all new configuration values are by default enabled for less confusion. Added entity kill logging. Search using "/co l u:Notch t:1d a:kill" (etc). Added ability to rollback entity kills (ex: "/co rollback a:kill r:5 t:1d") Added ability to automatically rollback/restore mob deaths by enabling "rollback-entities" in config.yml Added ability to use worldedit selections by using "r:#worldedit" (or just "r:#we"). Created a Tekkit version of CoreProtect 2.0 Improved the base code and fixed a ton of minor bugs.
CoreProtect 1.76 (Requires Craftbukkit #2602 or higher)
Bug fix - fixed an async call.
CoreProtect 1.75 (Requires Craftbukkit #2602 or higher)
Improved alternating consumer, made it adaptable to different data types. Fixed logging of portal ignitions, allows them to be properly rolled back or restored ignited. Added alternating consumer for block placement. Updated to support Craftbukkit v1.4.7
CoreProtect 1.74 (Requires Craftbukkit #2545 or higher)
Added permission checks for WorldEdit logging. Fixed handling of invalid numbers for WorldEdit logging. Added auto-command abort if WorldEdit logging is hanging the server.
CoreProtect 1.73 (Requires Craftbukkit #2545 or higher)
Fixed block type errors preventing a rollback from completing properly. Fixed invalid or corrupted timestamp data from breaking rollbacks. Added fix for WorldEdit logging occasionally causing Synchronized CHUNK_LOAD errors. Added check to prevent CoreProtect from loading if not using a compatible Craftbukkit version. Updated to support Craftbukkit 1.4.6. Craftbukkit #2545 or higher is required.
CoreProtect 1.72 (Requires Craftbukkit #2513 or higher)
Recompiled to fix byecode incompatibility due to changes made to EntityChangeBlockEvent Updated imports for item frame and painting logging. Fixed order of blocks being rolled back (was reversed). Will fix torches that fell off blocks (etc) being rolled back properly. Added support for properly rolling back skull types.
CoreProtect 1.71
Added vine growth logging. Fixed it so vines broken by liquid flow are logged. Fixed severe errors when pasting WorldEdit data.
CoreProtect 1.70 (Requires CB 1.4.2-R0.2 or higher)
Changed it so wither damage is now logged as "#wither" instead of "#explosion". Added support for logging the correct location of falling anvils. Made it so you can now lookup who placed or removed paintings and item frames with the inspector. Made it so paintings and item frames can now be rolled back or restored. Made it so when a painting or item frame falls off a block that was broken, it logs as the player who broke the block. Fixed NullPointerException showing occasionally for chest logging. Fixed ConcurrentModificationException occuring on Tekkit servers for container logging. Fixed it so invalid timestamps are ignored, and no longer cause severe errors. Implemented an alternating consumer for liquid flow logging. Should resolve out of memory errors. Improved liquid tracking, liquid should always now log as the player who placed the original source.
CoreProtect 1.63
Fixed NullPointerException errors showing on explosions and entity interactions. Again.
CoreProtect 1.62
Fixed NullPointerException errors showing on explosions and entity interactions. (1.61 bug)
CoreProtect 1.61
Fixed changes made via WorldEdit brushes not being logged. Made it so rollbacks (etc) are no longer blocked if another one is in progress. Made it so if a rollback or restore is hanging, it automatically stops itself. Made it so non-numeric characters are automatically filtered out for the radius parameter. Added support for Minecraft 1.4 block names. Added support for Wither block change logging.
CoreProtect 1.60
Updated the information in the "/co help inspect" command. Added file locking for user cache files. Added pagination for chest logs & player interaction logs. Removed the double-click feature. (Replaced with the feature below) Made it so you can type "/co l" after inspecting a block to view detailed log information. Added the "/co lookup" command for searching through logged data. Added the "/co lookup type <ID>" command, for looking up a blocks name by its ID. Made it so rollbacks/restores now utilize all data, regardless of the saved data state. Fixed piston caching, so repeated piston actions aren't logged. Made it so falling sand that was pushed by a piston is now logged. Set priority to "Monitor" for all main listener events, so data isn't logged if another plugin cancels the event. Made it so duplicate data is filtered out on rollbacks/restores. Added the ability to run commands from the server console. Added the CoreProtect API. Documentation:http://minerealm.com/community/viewtopic.php?f=32&t=10390&p=121360 Misc. bug fixes and improvements.
CoreProtect 1.54
Fixed incorrect data values sometimes being logged for blocks placed by players. Fixed "[SEVERE]" errors that would sometimes show when using the inspector. Added the ability to opt-out of the automatic update checker. Removed licensing, and did some basic code cleanup. ======================================================================
CoreProtect 1.53
优化了Tekkit服务器的箱子记录保存。 模组不再能够干扰记录保存了。 /purge现在也能删除箱子记录了。
版本1.52 (2012-7-19)
• 再次增加对"WorldEdit"命令的记录功能,包括超级镐模式和笔刷模式.
• 修复了漏洞使得生物不再会引起错误.
• 修复了容器点击事件的空指针错误问题和操作回滚报错问题.
版本1.51 (2012-7-18)
•为使用MySQL的CoreProtect大大地提升了速度. (接近使用文件数据库的CoreProtect)
版本1.50 (2012-7-18)
•现在输入 "/coreprotect"也会显示帮助信息.
CoreProtect 权限
coreprotect.* Allows access to all of the CoreProtect commands
coreprotect.inspect Allows access to the CoreProtect inspect command.
coreprotect.lookup Allows access to the CoreProtect lookup command.
coreprotect.rollback Allows access to the CoreProtect rollback command.
coreprotect.restore Allows access to the CoreProtect restore command.
coreprotect.purge Allows access to the CoreProtect purge command.
coreprotect.reload Allows access to the CoreProtect reload command.
coreprotect.help Allows access to the CoreProtect help command.
coreprotect.lookup.chat Can be optionally used as a negative permission to block chat lookups.
coreprotect.lookup.command Can be optionally used as a negative permission to block command lookups.
coreprotect.lookup.session Can be optionally used as a negative permission to block session lookups.
本插件已深度汉化,包括 配置文件 (1.7x版本暂无 ) , 控制台输出信息 (图-05) 以及 报错信息 (图-06) .
Core Protect在v1.50的更新中新增了 容器物品出入查询功能 (图-07) 和 "WorldEdit"操作查询(图-08) /回档功能 (图-09) .
配置文件: <span style="background-color: white;">#CoreProtect 配置文件
# 如果开启了,在进行回档和还原操作时总是显示附加的数据.
# 如果禁止了,你可以简单地打开它用加入 "#verbose"
# 在你的回档或者还原命令的末尾.
verbose: true
# MySQL是一个扩展选项而不是必须的.
# 如果你决定使用MySQL,开启下列选项并且填写下面的内容.
use-mysql: false
table-prefix: co_
mysql-host: localhost
mysql-port: 3306
mysql-database: database
mysql-username: root
# 如果开启了, CoreProtect将会在服务器开启时检测有没有新版本.
# 如果有一个新的更新是有效的,你将会在控制台里面看到提示信息.
check-updates: true
# 如果开启了, 其他插件将可以使用CoreProtect API.
api-enabled: true
# 如果没有在使用回档/还原操作时指定一个半径, 这个数值将用来
# 当做半径. 设置为 "0" 来禁止自动添加半径.
default-radius: 10
# 在使用一个命令时允许的最高半径. 设置为 "0" 来关闭这个选项.
# 去使用一个全局的回档或者还原操作, 你可以使用 "r:#global".
max-radius: 100
# 如果开启了, 物品被从容器中取出(等)操作将会被包括在回档操作中.
rollback-items: true
# 如果启用了, 实体, 比如杀死动物, 将会被包括在回档操作者.
rollback-entities: true
# 如果开启了, 一般的数据, 比如僵尸在日光下燃烧, 将不会被记录.
skip-generic-data: true
# 记录被玩家放置的方块.
block-place: true
# 记录被玩家破坏的方块.
block-break: true
# 记录方块被其他方块破坏; 比如, 一个木牌或者火把
# 因为一个玩家破坏了它们依靠的方块而掉落. 这是可能是回档对床/门的操作
# 所必需的.
natural-break: true
# 可能记录方块移动情况, 比如一个沙子或者沙烁的坠落.
block-movement: true
# 可能记录下被活塞移动的方块.
pistons: true
# 记录方块被火焰烧毁.
block-burn: true
# 记录一个方块自然的点燃, 比如被蔓延的火焰点燃.
block-ignite: true
# 记录爆炸, 比如一个TNT或者一只苦力怕.
explosions: true
# 记录实体修改方块, 比如一个末影人破坏了一个方块.
entity-change: true
# 记录玩家击杀实体, 比如杀死一头牛和一个末影人.
entity-kills: true
# 记录木牌上的文本. 如果禁止了,木牌在回档之后将会变成空白的.
sign-text: true
# 记录岩浆和水源头被玩家使用桶放置/移除.
buckets: true
# 记录自然的树叶腐败.
leaf-decay: true
# 记录树的生长. 树会关联到放置那个树苗的玩家身上.
tree-growth: true
# 记录蘑菇的生长.
mushroom-growth: true
# Logs natural vine growth.
vine-growth: true
# 记录传送门比如地狱传送门自然的生成.
portals: true
# 记录水流. 如果水破坏了其他的方块, 比如火把等,
# 这也允许它可以被回档.
water-flow: true
# 记录岩浆流动. 如果岩浆破坏了其他方块, 比如火把等,
# 这也允许它可以被回档.
lava-flow: true
# 允许液体记录关联到一个玩家身上.
# 比如, 如果一个玩家放置了一格水流动并且摧毁了火把,
# 它将可以使用回档指定玩家的操作来还原.
liquid-tracking: true
# 记录物品进出数据, 比如一个玩家从一个箱子、
# 熔炉、或者发射器中取出物品. 是所有物品回档所必需的选项.
item-transactions: true
# 记录玩家交互信息, 比如一个玩家打开了一个门, 按下了
# 一个按钮, 或者打开了一个箱子. 玩家交互信息不能被回档.
player-interactions: true
# 记录玩家的聊天信息.
player-messages: true
# 记录所有玩家使用的命令.
player-commands: true
# 记录所有玩家进入和退出服务器.
player-sessions: true
# 记录插件 "WorldEdit" 所做的改变如果你在你的服务器里面使用他的话.
worldedit: true</span> 复制代码 下面放出几张效果图:
(图-03 )
(图-04 )
(图-05 )
(158.67 KB, 下载次数: 2106)