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[软件] Windows 微软官方出品 psping V2.01,利用CMD检测TCP网络延迟

 成长值: 102

签到天数: 4659 天


发表于 2015/5/3 05:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 |Google Chrome 41.0.2272.118|Windows 8.1
天涯海角搜一下: 百度 谷歌 360 搜狗 有道 雅虎 必应 即刻

PsPing implements Ping functionality, TCP ping, latency and bandwidth measurement. Use the following command-line options to show the usage for each test type:

Copy PsPing onto your executable path. Typing "psping" displays its usage syntax.
Using PsPing

PsPing implements Ping functionality, TCP ping, latency and bandwidth measurement. Use the following command-line options to show the usage for each test type:
Usage: psping -? [i|t|l|b]
-? I        Usage for ICMP ping.
-? T        Usage for TCP ping.
-? L        Usage for latency test.
-? B        Usage for bandwidth test.

ICMP ping usage: psping [[-6]|[-4]] [-h [buckets | <val1>,<val2>,...]] [-i <interval>] [-l <requestsize>[k|m] [-q] [-t|-n <count>] [-w <count>] <destination>
-h        Print histogram (default bucket count is 20).
If you specify a single argument, it's interpreted as a bucket count and the histogram will contain that number of buckets covering the entire time range of values. Specify a comma-separated list of times to create a custom histogram (e.g. "0.01,0.05,1,5,10").
-i        Interval in seconds. Specify 0 for fast ping.
-l        Request size. Append 'k' for kilobytes and 'm' for megabytes.
-n        Number of pings or append 's' to specify seconds e.g. '10s'.
-q        Don't output during pings.
-t        Ping until stopped with Ctrl+C and type Ctrl+Break for statistics.
-w        Warmup with the specified number of iterations (default is 1).
-4        Force using IPv4.
-6        Force using IPv6.
For high-speed ping tests use -q and -i 0.

TCP ping usage: psping [[-6]|[-4]] [-h [buckets | <val1>,<val2>,...]] [-i <interval>] [-l <requestsize>[k|m] [-q] [-t|-n <count>] [-w <count>] <destination:destport>
-h        Print histogram (default bucket count is 20).
If you specify a single argument, it's interpreted as a bucket count and the histogram will contain that number of buckets covering the entire time range of values. Specify a comma-separated list of times to create a custom histogram (e.g. "0.01,0.05,1,5,10").
-i        Interval in seconds. Specify 0 for fast ping.
-l        Request size. Append 'k' for kilobytes and 'm' for megabytes.
-n        Number of pings or append 's' to specify seconds e.g. '10s'.
-q        Don't output during pings.
-t        Ping until stopped with Ctrl+C and type Ctrl+Break for statistics.
-w        Warmup with the specified number of iterations (default is 1).
-4        Force using IPv4.
-6        Force using IPv6.
For high-speed ping tests use -q and -i 0.

TCP and UCP latency usage:
server: psping [[-6]|[-4]] [-f] <-s source:sourceport>
client: psping [[-6]|[-4]] [-f] [-u] [-h [buckets | <val1>,<val2>,...]] [-r] <-l requestsize>[k|m]] <-n count> [-w <count>] <destination:destport>
-f        Open source firewall port during the run.
-u        UDP (default is TCP).
-h        Print histogram (default bucket count is 20).
If you specify a single argument, it's interpreted as a bucket count and the histogram will contain that number of buckets covering the entire time range of values. Specify a comma-separated list of times to create a custom histogram (e.g. "0.01,0.05,1,5,10").
-l        Request size. Append 'k' for kilobytes and 'm' for megabytes.
-n        Number of sends/receives. Append 's' to specify seconds e.g. '10s'
-r        Receive from the server instead of sending.
-w        Warmup with the specified number of iterations (default is 5).
-4        Force using IPv4.
-6        Force using IPv6.
-s        Server listening address and port.
The server can serve both latency and bandwidth tests and remains active until you terminate it with Control-C.
TCP and UCP bandwidth usage:
server: psping [[-6]|[-4]] [-f] <-s source:sourceport>
client: psping [[-6]|[-4]] [-f] [-u] [-h [buckets | <val1>,<val2>,...]] [-r] <-l requestsize>[k|m]] <-n count> [-i <outstanding>] [-w <count>] <destination:destport>
-f        Open source firewall port during the run.
-u        UDP (default is TCP).
-b        Bandwidth test.
-h        Print histogram (default bucket count is 20).
If you specify a single argument, it's interpreted as a bucket count and the histogram will contain that number of buckets covering the entire time range of values. Specify a comma-separated list of times to create a custom histogram (e.g. "0.01,0.05,1,5,10").
-i        Number of outstanding I/Os (default is min of 16 and 2x CPU cores).
-l        Request size. Append 'k' for kilobytes and 'm' for megabytes.
-n        Number of sends/receives. Append 's' to specify seconds e.g. '10s'
-r        Receive from the server instead of sending.
-w        Warmup for the specified iterations (default is 2x CPU cores).
-4        Force using IPv4.
-6        Force using IPv6.
-s        Server listening address and port.
The server can serve both latency and bandwidth tests and remains active until you terminate it with Control-C.

This command executes an ICMP ping test for 10 iterations with 3 warmup iterations:
psping -n 10 -w 3 marklap
To execute a TCP connect test, specify the port number. The following command executes connect attempts against the target as quickly as possible, only printing a summary when finished with the 100 iterations and 1 warmup iteration:
psping -n 100 -i 0 -q marklap:80
To configure a server for latency and bandwidth tests, simply specify the -s option and the source address and port the server will bind to:
psping -s
A buffer size is required to perform a TCP latency test. This example measures the round trip latency of sending an 8KB packet to the target server, printing a histogram with 100 buckets when completed:
psping -l 8k -n 10000 -h 100
This command tests bandwidth to a PsPing server listening at the target IP address for 10 seconds and produces a histogram with 100 buckets. Note that the test must run for at least one second after warmup for a histogram to generate. Simply add -u to have PsPing perform a UDP bandwidth test.
psping -b -l 8k -n 10000 -h 100

  1. psping -t www.baidu.com:443

  1. psping -u -l 1k





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发表于 2015/5/3 05:27 | 显示全部楼层
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签到天数: 379 天


发表于 2015/5/3 12:44 | 显示全部楼层 |Google Chrome 41.0.2272.118|Windows 8.1
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