HOYO-MiX - 一別如羽 As the Feather Falls
HOYO-MiX - 千載云已去 Cloud of Thirteen Katuns
HOYO-MiX - 山鳴谷應 Mountain's Hymn
HOYO-MiX - 幻象中的慰撫 Comfort in Visions
HOYO-MiX - 木樨旁的舊憶 Tanyolche's Memories
HOYO-MiX - 圣律桓桓 Indisputable Commandments
HOYO-MiX - 如歌的秘數 Choir's Cypher
HOYO-MiX - 妄執的冷燼 Ashes of Presumption
HOYO-MiX - 何日之夢 A Dream Yet to Come
HOYO-MiX - 灼夜之淚 Tears of a Scorching Night
HOYO-MiX - 夜誕的花冠 Night's Crown of Flowers
HOYO-MiX - 奉熾火以希望 Tumaini washa moto
HOYO-MiX - 泛羽流月 Feathered Moonlight
HOYO-MiX - 空余殘暉 Afterglow of the Sky
HOYO-MiX - 芳草染夕煙 Malinalco's Dusk
HOYO-MiX - 幽室泠泠 Dripping Gloom
HOYO-MiX - 幽愿難釋 Unanswered Yearning
HOYO-MiX - 故年往跡 Once Upon a Time in the Vale
HOYO-MiX - 故行已去 Someone Walked These Paths
HOYO-MiX - 流光的箴訓 Prismatic Proverbs
HOYO-MiX - 流灰地的遺聲 The Fading Voices of Cinder
HOYO-MiX - 為一切戰爭的終結 To the End of All Wars
HOYO-MiX - 為一座無名的墳塋 For an Unmarked Grave
HOYO-MiX - 風止水忘時 When the Breeze Ceases
HOYO-MiX - 浮夢終作雨 Rain of an Ancient Dream
HOYO-MiX - 淪蟄的緬憶 Hoary Hibernation
HOYO-MiX - 祭星者的夢語 Starcaller's Wishes
HOYO-MiX - 造始的噩兆 Onset of Omens
HOYO-MiX - 鹿縱踏舞 Dance of the Brown Deer
HOYO-MiX - 游轉的曙色 Touring the Dawn
HOYO-MiX - 舒翼乘云 All the Pretty Courses
HOYO-MiX - 戢翼無歸 Wingless Wail
HOYO-MiX - 煙漫露結 Where the Mists Enshroud
HOYO-MiX - 鈴鼓隨花 Bells in Bloom
HOYO-MiX - 僭王的威烈 Formidable Usurper
HOYO-MiX - 殞塵的黯星 Eclipsed Star
HOYO-MiX - 漸落的晨曦 Fading Dawn
HOYO-MiX - 蒼原的巇徑 Hidden Path Above the Savannah
HOYO-MiX - 蒼鷲之頌 Salute of Eagles
HOYO-MiX - 暮火將熄 Serpent's Endgame
HOYO-MiX - 暮深天靜 Hushed Canopy of Night
HOYO-MiX - 瞑色的歸途 Homeward Bound
HOYO-MiX - 瞢暗的一極 A Fragment of Night
HOYO-MiX - 隨行逐飛 Stage's Coach
HOYO-MiX - 霜空曜明 Frosted Hue of Stars
HOYO-MiX - 舊鄉的嘆音 Sigh, the Breath of Yore
HOYO-MiX - 鏡中日暖 Springtime in a Mirror
HOYO-MiX - 懸風于心 Hanging in the Heart of the Wind
HOYO-MiX - 蘆笛的彼方 Beyond the Flute's Whispers
HOYO-MiX - 鑄錐之刻 Shaping the Struggle
HOYO-MiX - 靈與沙的密諭 Soothing of Soul and Sand