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[游戏] 求生之路2地图下载:《韵律》Escansion

 成长值: 102

签到天数: 4659 天


发表于 2020/1/29 23:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 |Google Chrome 79.0.3945.130|Windows 10
天涯海角搜一下: 百度 谷歌 360 搜狗 有道 雅虎 必应 即刻
You are in the lucky situation not being infected due to the reason that you were isolated in prison.
... but not any more, gates are open and you try to leave the totally infected planet.

took me over 750 hours for creation, have fun

read changelog for more
View Changelog (v1 Complete)
First of all, I know there are some glitches, but I do not have the time to go on further with the campaign. That is mainly the reason why I released the campaign now and not later. I do not want this campaign to go to seed on my HD, so have fun with its current status.
I hope to find some time (end of year?) to patch the known issues.

The Bug on Level 3:
I am very sorry, I know this error and worked hard to get rid of it, but finally had no success. The hardest failures you can have are the ones who appear sometimes and sometimes not. If anyone has a hint for me on what exact constellation it crashes I really would appreciate telling me what it is. If I would know the solution for it I would upload a hotfix as soon as possible.

Is Escansion spanish?
I do not know, but my intention is a kind of fantaasy word made up of "Escape" and "Ascension" which both describes the campagin best.

Scavenge and so on?
The campaign was made to be only coop.

- Please install AddOn Support and DLCs for most compability -





使用道具 举报

签到天数: 1159 天


发表于 2020/1/30 04:05 | 显示全部楼层 |Google Chrome 79.0.3945.130|Windows 10
回复 支持 反对

使用道具 举报

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