成长值: 579
签到天数: 4818 天 [LV.Master]伴坛终老
发表于 2024/10/25 18:30
| Google Chrome | Windows 10

Dear Madam/Sir,We, MarkScan, have been duly authorized by Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc., 0202 West Washington Boulevard, Culver City, California, United States of America, 90232 (“Our Client”) to issue this notice to you under the provisions of Online Copyright Infringement Liability Limitation Act (OCILLA), a part of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act 1998 (DMCA) whereunder the service providers are to be held strictly liable for the acts of their users are required to cease access to the copyright material, immediately upon being put to notice of the infringement.
Our client is the owner of certain rights to the following copyright work(s), hereinafter referred to as “copyright content” and has the exclusive digital rights including the right to broadcast, telecast and/or communicate to the public the copyright content on various digital platforms.Documentary proof to show that our client is the owner of certain rights to the copyright work(s) can be accessed on https://www.sonypictures.com/
This Notice is to bring to your attention that we have found copyright infringement on website(s) (listed below) that are using your hosting services. These sites enable unauthorized access to anime content, an activity which is well established as copyright infringement under applicable laws and relevant case law.
With reference to the above, we tried to notify the owners of infringing websites; however, in the absence of any contact details or no response from the owner(s), the pirated content continues to be active resulting in monetary and user base losses to our client.We are, therefore, escalating the matter with you as the websites in question are hosted under your services and are seeking your intervention to get any infringing content removed. We also request the permanent suspension of the reported website(s) in order to avoid their further involvement in the activity of digital piracy.Domain IP Address for Your Reference -
Further on our investigation, we have found that the tracker "tracker3.itzmx.com" is hosted on your server. Below is the IP of "tracker3.itzmx.com" for your reference:
Below is/are the URL(s)/Torrent Info_Hash ID(s) for your reference, which are infringing the copyright content by mentioned torrent tracker:
Title Name
Info Hash
Jumanji (1995)
We understand in good faith & belief that the use of the copyright work(s) described above in the infringing material(s) of which the URL(s) have been provided above, is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law.We state that the information in this Notice is accurate and, under penalty of perjury, we state that we are authorized to act on behalf of our client.This letter is without prejudice to the rights and remedies of Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc. all of which are expressly reserved.
DIGITAL SIGNATURE FOR COPYRIGHT CLAIMIshita SinghMarkScan Digital IP Pvt. Ltd.Email: internet_enforcement@markscan.in E-14C, 1st Floor, Sector-8,NOIDA, U.P. -201301, INDIA.Website: www.markscan.co.in.