I regret to inform you that we have received an abuse complaint regarding your service - 96050. This violates our Acceptable Use Policy/Terms Of Service which can be found here https://www.budgetvm.com/legal.php . After investigation we have deemed this report to be by a credible, reputable source and require your immediate attention.
Our policies require us to suspend your service and to hear back from you within 7 business days or face termination.
The initial complaint is below. We will await your response indicating that you have either complied with the order, dispute it, or request a reasonable extension of time to resolve the issue.
Dear Provider,
The BitNinja team would like to inform you about an INCIDENT, COMING FROM YOUR NETWORK. (IP address It means someone intruded into your system, so please examine the case and do the neccessary security steps.
You can find the detailed logs about the detected malicious attempt in the incident report: http://bitninja.io/incidentReport.php?details=1e40a87278e30146c2
This IP address has been placed to our greylist and all the servers protected by BitNinja will reject any communication from this IP address. If the attacks keep coming, the IP will stay in our greylist or will be placed to our blacklist for a longer period.
If you need further information about the issue, or you think this IP is listed incorrectly, do not hesitate to contact us at info@bitninja.io.
To prevent incidents (e.g. incoming and outgoing hacker attacks, cms /joomla, wordpress, drupal/ hacks, forum spammer bots, email harvesters and other harmful botnets) in the future, please take a look at our SERVER DEFENSE NETWORK. It works with no redirection and can be installed with one-line code. For more information about our server defense solution, visit our website: http://bitninja.io
Additional information:
Attackers usually use backdoors or proxy scripts and use the victim server’s resources for cybercrime activities like DDoS attacks and spamming. Your system or a website you host, probably have been compromised this way.
Please consider this particular machine may have a rootkit installed. So simply deleting some files or dirs or disabling cgi may not really solve the issue.
The server owner should be warned about this incident also, so please forward this message to the administrator of the server with
If you need further information about our incident report, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Best wishes,
BitNinja Security team
Let’s make the Internet a safer place
Thank you in advance for your compliance in this important matter.
No. Did you look at the link that Bitninja provided at all? Bitninja is a honeypot; users of your proxy are attempting to access things that should never be accessed over the course of regular internet usage.
Someone is using your public proxy to attempt to hack other sites on the internet. This needs to stop.
Ninja fightbook
You took the first step in our mission, to make the internet a safer place, by installing BitNinja. Let us give you a little gift as a special thank: please find attached our Ninja Fight Book to this email.
This server defense handbook shows you why hackers attack your server and how you can protect it. Their motivations, tools and how to avoid the threat they mean to your servers, your websites, and your business!
Learning by testing
Must be curious how BitNinja works when a hacker is trying to compromise your server. Try it yourself by a little comparsion test:
Setup wordpress or similar application on a server with BitNinja.
Generate a DoS attack to that site (for example using ab tool).
Example: # ab -c 90 -n 10000 URL_TO_THE_SITE
With BitNinja, the DoS attack will be detected under 30 secs, and the attacking IP address auto-blacklisted. Without BitNinja all the sites on the server will be slow or down. The choice is yours!
Basic commands
Feel free to try our basic command set to test ninja skills:
# bitninjacli –help // This is how you can use our cli tool # bitninjacli --blacklist --add= // Found a malicious IP? // Blacklist it with the cli or using the dashboard # bitninjacli --whitelist --add= // BitNinja blocked something it should not? // Whitelist the IP easily with the cli or on the dashboard // BitNinja will distribute your black/whitelist on all your servers automatically
If you aren’t afraid to jump a little braver to the Ninja’s working method, click on our introduction video that guides you through our basic processes:
In case of any questions, contact us by email at info@bitninja.io.