小樱 发表于 2014/2/6 21:12

MSDN新闻:自Windows 10开始,Windows 系统进入新时代,全面开源免费


Microsoft is actively preparing for the Windows9 release, Windows9 will be launched sometime in 2015, but Win9 expected to be sold in the last edition of Microsoft's operating system, because Linux systems are rapidly developing, and this trend can not be reversed.
        A variety of factors, including the financial crisis, Linux version Steam launches and more and more developers turn to Linux, Windows market greatly attenuated, because of this, Windows 9 may be the last version of Microsoft's normal disposal system. As we all know, Windows 10 start will begin there Build version number problem. Therefore, from Windows 10 to start, Windows will enter a new era, if nothing else will be free to use, if the right opportunity, Windows system will be fully open source release.


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查看完整版本: MSDN新闻:自Windows 10开始,Windows 系统进入新时代,全面开源免费