比特彗星1.99版新增的支持我们,享受彗星通行证36级的所有功能是什么,Pawns是不是偷流量共享赚点广告费之前有问过官方,说共享可以提前解锁通行证权限,具体是什么流量没说明,Wiki里面有是由 https://pawns.app/ 这个网站提供的流量共享盈利服务。
Support Us
BitComet is a free software. You can support the development of BitComet and unlock extra features by sharing your internet access with encrypted connections.
The traffic sharing is disabled by default. The developer will get paid when you turn on the option and shares your internet connection with no access to personal data. This facility is provided by the third party company Pawns.app under the Privacy Policy
The BitComet supporters can enjoy all the features of a user with high CometID level. Please see more details in https://members.bitcomet.com/
目标是 Pawns.app ,安全风险方面,至少会有ip地址
Pawns.app allows users to share their bandwidth with others in exchange for cash, bitcoin, or gift cards. It’s a great passive income source that doesn’t require any investments. Once you download and install it on your PC, smartphone, or any other suitable device, just let it run, and you’re good to go.
The app will run in the background while you go about your business, thus letting you earn some cash without doing anything. Now, you may wonder why we want your internet connection bandwidth and what we will use it for.
The answers are really simple. We need your internet connection so we can offer it to our clients, thus helping them access websites and services that are unavailable to them. In other words, Pawns.app will help you earn money by lending your internet connection to others. By others, we mean casual internet users or businesses that want to avoid geo-restrictions or IP bans and blocks.
引自:https://pawns.app/internet-sharing/ 那么各位有开启嘛? 觉得怪怪的但开启了{:3143:} 总算是找到这里了……
关联 https://www.cometbbs.com/t/%E8%AF%B7%E9%97%AE%E2%80%9C%E6%88%90%E4%B8%BA%E6%AF%94%E7%89%B9%E5%BD%97%E6%98%9F%E7%9A%84%E6%94%AF%E6%8C%81%E8%80%85%E2%80%9D%E6%98%AF%E4%BB%80%E4%B9%88%E6%84%8F%E6%80%9D%EF%BC%9F/90371 xfl12345 发表于 2023/12/21 03:04
小樱制作的官改解锁版bitcomet里的“支持我们”里的“蓝字超链接”点不开呢……汗 ...
超链接无法点击是官方新版的bug,之前版本可以点开,汇报给官方了 小樱 发表于 2023/12/21 18:08
还有……我一直有个疑问……官方BitComet被你魔改成“解锁版”,官方知道这件事吗?官方对此有何回应? xfl12345 发表于 2023/12/23 00:34
还有……我一直有个疑问……官方BitComet被你魔改成“解锁版”,官方知道这件事吗? ...